Von London nach Paris mit einem Falt-E-Bike

Anbei ein gelungener Reisebericht von Richard Peace, welcher über seine Erfahrungen mit seinem Falt-E-Bike von Nano-Dahon auf seiner Reise von London nach Paris berichtet. Ein kleiner Auszug aus dem englischen Artikel über das Nano-Dahon:


„My Nano-Dahon is an electric conversion from the Nano Electric Bikes stable. As my trip would involve several train journeys to get me from the North of England to Northern France and back it seemed the ideal choice from my garage full of e-bikes! The amount of riding I was going to do wasn’t huge and the speed I needed to go at wasn’t super fast (plenty of stopping and starting to update route guide text and take fresh pics) meant portability and comfort on the bike were just as important. The Nano-Dahon uses the small, light Nano friction motor in the front hub and bike bike itself is a 16″ wheeled budget to mid-range Dahon folder. The converted bike without battery (this removes along with the front luggage – see below) weighs around 14kg. Not superlight but very respectable and reasonably easy to lift once folded. The real challenge was fitting all the luggage on to such a small bike. Happily Nano electric bikes were able to modify the Dahon to take an old Brompton bag I had; cleverly this also doubles as the battery store, and when mounted copper contacts on the mounting block and bag come into contact and hey presto, you have power to the motor. Just switch on and pedal off. The bag is also roomy enough for most of my luggage. My laptop went in a small, light backback and my SLR camera was hung round my neck. All set to go!“

Tags: 2016, london, paris, kompakt ebike

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